
Welcome to my Blog. I don’t think you ever get to the end of genealogy. Plenty of brick walls present themselves and the goal of any researcher’s work is to, brick by brick, tear down those walls and find the records and details that allow you to create a picture of who your family was and what kind of life they lived before you came along.

Like any genealogist, I wish I got the bug for this when all my grandparents were alive and I could have asked them the questions that nobody has the answers to now.  I see that sentence written over and over again on all the web pages and genealogy social media groups I am on. It’s the common grievance of all genealogists, yet serves as the driving force to keep us searching. For perhaps that next document will have some little clue beyond just a date and location.

I hope you will find my missives on this genealogical journey entertaining and enlightening.

September 6, 2018


An arranged marriage between Jewish singles.
September 4, 2018

Yad Vashem testimonials

Yad Vashem, has collected and recorded the names and biographical details of millions of victims of systematic anti-Jewish persecution during the Holocaust (Shoah) period. Four and a half of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices are commemorated here.
August 28, 2018

old country

Country of origin. The concept of the place  with which an ethnic group holds a long history and a deep cultural association – the country in which a particular national identity began.
August 28, 2018


Yizkor (Memorial) Books are books published by former residents or landsmanshaftn as remembrances of homes and people lost during the Holocaust. The majority of these books were written in Hebrew or Yiddish.